Acronis Cloud Storage - Subscription license - 3 years

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Acronis Cloud Storage is an easy-to-use, offsite cloud backup storage subscription that turns any Acronis Backup or Acronis Backup Advanced product into a powerful hybrid cloud backup solution! Enjoy safe, secure, and scalable offsite backup for any data or any system - anytime, anywhere.
  • Easy to implement
    Simply buy a subscription, select the cloud storage size you need, and start backing up to the secure local data centers with Acronis Backup or Acronis Backup Advanced!
  • Supports the 3-2-1 data protection strategy
    You can easily implement the 3-2-1 data protection strategy to disaster-proof your data.
  • Fully integrated
    Acronis Cloud Storage is seamlessly integrated with Acronis Backup and Acronis Backup Advanced so you can perform both local and secure offsite backups in the same easy step, hassle-free!
  • Eliminates tape
    According to Redmond Magazine, 75 percent of small and medium-sized organizations that use tape backup experience tape failure each year. Do you want to take this risk? Choose reliable, offsite, cloud backup with Acronis and enjoy peace of mind!
There is no liability or guarantee that all information is complete, correct and up to date at all times.
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